biomedical bibliography

Bibliographic Databases: A Varied and Essential Tool for Research and Information Retrieval

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A bibliographic database is an index of literature in any subject area. It is a type biomedical bibliography provides access to information sources such as books, journal articles, conference proceedings, dissertations, technical reports, and other materials. The content of bibliographic databases varies, but they can include titles, authors, abstracts, keywords and full-text documents. Importantly, bibliographic databases are an essential tool for researchers and information retrieval professionals, allowing them to quickly and easily find relevant materials related to their research or work.

Different Types of Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographic databases come in a variety of forms. They can be general or discipline-specific, covering different topics like history, art, or music. Many large academic libraries have their own bibliographic databases which provide access to all the materials held in their collections. There are also some commercial bibliographic databases such as EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Academic Search Premier, which provide access to millions of citation records from publications around the world.

The Value of Bibliographic Databases

Bibliographic databases are valuable resources for locating published sources of information. They make it possible to quickly search through large amounts of data for specific items. For example, if you are researching a particular topic, you can use a bibliographic databases to compile a list of all the scholarly articles published on the subject. This can save a great deal of time and effort which would otherwise be spent searching through library shelves.

In addition to helping researchers locate relevant material, bibliographic databases can also help with organizing and managing information. By creating a bibliography of relevant sources, researchers can keep track of what they’ve already read and what they still need to explore. This can help them to develop an efficient research process and ensure that they don’t miss anything important.

biomedical bibliography

Biomedical Bibliography

A special type of bibliographic database is a biomedical bibliography. These databases contain references to medical and scientific literature, including books, journal articles, clinical trials, and other studies related to medicine and health care. They are often used by health care practitioners, researchers, and students to locate information about diseases, treatments, and other medical issues.

Biomedical bibliographies usually include citations and abstracts (brief summaries) of the referenced materials. They may also include links to full-text documents, making it easy to access the complete article. Some popular biomedical bibliographies include MEDLINE, PubMed, and CINAHL Plus.

Bibliographic Database Search Techniques

When using a bibliographic database, it’s important to know how to utilize the search tools effectively. Different databases may have slightly different techniques for searching, but there are some general strategies that apply across the board. For example, it’s often helpful to start by using broad terms and then refining your search based on the results. Additionally, many databases allow users to apply filters to narrow their search results even further.

It’s also important to be aware of Boolean operators when searching bibliographic databases. Boolean operators allow users to combine multiple search terms in order to create more specific queries. For instance, using the term “AND” between two words will only return results that contain both words, while using the term “OR” will return results containing either word. Knowing how to use these operators can help make searches significantly more efficient.


Bibliographic databases are an invaluable tool for researchers and information retrieval professionals. They provide quick and easy access to millions of citation records from all over the world. While each database may have its own search techniques, by understanding the basics of how they work and utilizing Boolean operators, users can become more efficient at retrieving the information they need.